Year 6
Welcome to the Spring Term Year 6!
We hope you enjoyed a relaxing Christmas holiday and are ready for the next term in Year 6. We are looking forward to continuing all the learning.
Our current theme topic is ‘Leaving a Legacy: World War II’. The children will continue their learning about this period of history focussing on the impact on Britain and some key events. Our reading and writing along will continue to link closely with this topic which will deepen the children’s understanding of the topic. We will then move to our first geography topic of ‘Many Worlds One Planet: Asia’.
The children have shown great skills in their maths lessons so far and we will continue to follow the Year 6 curriculum. We will begin the term with a short unit on measurement before looking at some new topics including ratio and algebra.
Our next science topic of the year is ‘Evolution and Inheritance’. We will learn about Charles Darwin and his theory along with looking at inherited characteristics and adaptations.
There is an expectation that children will read at home daily, either with an adult or independently. Children are expected to record their daily reading in their reading logs – these should be in school every day and will be checked by an adult.
All children should have their login details for TT Rockstars. They should continue to improve their rapid recall of multiplication and division facts using this. Quick recall of times tables is integral to the children’s arithmetic success this year. Children also receive a weekly homework sheet linked to an area of focus for them. These should all be completed and handed in weekly on a Friday.
Children are to come in to school on their PE day in their PE kit. Our PE day is Tuesday, so please wear a full PE kit, including trainers, on this day. Lessons will focus on gymnastics and NFL for the first half term.
Further classroom information
Please ensure that children have a spare set of shoes in school at all times (wellies are fine) as the children will be playing on the field even if the grass is wet. These spare shoes should be different from their PE shoes.
Please ensure children come to school each day with a water bottle so that they keep hydrated. They are welcome to refill this throughout the day.
Thank you for your continued support – we are very much looking forward to the new school year.
Miss Fletcher and the Year Six Team.